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- Mt Pleasant
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- Multiple Campuses
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- Off-Campus - Local High Schools
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- Orange
- Orangeburg
- Orchard Park
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- Ossining/Valhalla
- Ottumwa
- Overland Park
- Owensboro
- Pablo
- Paducah
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- Palatka
- Palm Desert
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- Palo Alto
- Palos HIlls
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- Parsons
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- Pasco
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- Patterson
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- Petersburg
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- Phoenix
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- Pique
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- Poplar Bluff
- Poplarville
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- Portland
- Portsmouth
- Poteau
- Pottstown
- Poughkeepsie
- Powell
- Pratt
- Prescott
- Presque Isle
- Prestonsburg
- Prince Frederick
- Prince William
- Princeton
- Providence
- Public Safety Training Center
- Pueblo
- Pulaski
- Purchase
- Putney
- Puyallup
- Queensbury
- Quincy
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- Raleigh
- Rancho Cucamonga
- Randolph
- Randolph Center
- Rangely
- Ranger
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- Raymond
- Reading
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- Redding
- Redlands
- Redwood City
- Reno
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- Rhinelander
- Rice Lake
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- Richmond County
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- Ridgeland
- Rio Grande
- Rio Grande Valley
- River Grove
- Riverside
- Riverton
- Roanoke
- Robinson
- Rochester
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- Rock Springs
- Rockford
- Rocklin
- Rocky Mount
- Rome
- Roseau
- Roseburg
- Rosenberg
- Roswell
- Roxboro
- sa
- Sacramento
- Saddleback College
- Saint Cloud
- Saint George
- Saint Paul
- Salem
- Salinas
- Salisbury
- Sallisaw
- Salt Lake City
- San Antonio
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- San Luis de Obispo
- San Marcos
- San Mateo
- San Pablo
- San Ramon
- Sanborn
- Sandusky
- Sanford
- Santa Ana
- Santa Barbara
- Santa Clara
- Santa Clarita
- Santa Fe
- Santa Maria
- Santa Monica
- Santa Rosa
- Saranac Lake
- Saratoga
- Savannah
- Schenectady
- Schnecksville
- Schriever
- Scooba
- Scottsbluff
- Seattle
- Sedalia
- See position summary for location information
- Selden
- Sellersburg
- Sells
- Selma
- Senatobia
- Sewell
- Shelby
- Sheldon
- Sheridan
- Sherman Oaks
- Shoreline
- Shreveport
- Sidney
- Sierra Vista
- Sioux City
- Sioux Falls
- Smithsfield
- Snyder
- Soldotna
- Somerset
- South Holland
- South Lake Tahoe
- South Portland
- South, Dallas
- Southaven
- Spanaway
- Spartanburg
- Spindale
- Spokane
- Spotsylvania
- Springfield
- Spruce Pine
- St. Cloud
- St. L'Ans
- St. Louis
- St. Paul
- Stafford
- Staples
- Starke
- Statesville
- Sterling
- Steubenville
- Stockton
- Stone Ridge
- Suffern
- Sugar Grove
- Summerdale
- Summit
- Sumter
- Sumterville
- Supply
- Susanville
- Syracuse
- Tacoma
- Taft
- Tallahassee
- Tanner
- Tarboro
- Tazewell
- Tempe
- Texarkana
- Texas City
- Thatcher
- The Dalles
- Thief River Falls
- Thomasville
- Thornton
- Tifton
- Tillamook
- Tishomingo
- Toledo
- Toms River
- Tonkawa
- Torrance
- Torrington
- Traverse City
- Traverse City,
- Trenton
- Trinidad
- Troy
- Tsaile
- Tucson
- Tucumcari
- Tullahoma
- Tulsa
- Turlock
- Tuscaloosa
- Twin Falls
- Tyler
- Ukiah
- Union
- United States
- University Center
- Utica
- Utqiaġvik
- Utqiagvik
- Uvalde
- Valdez
- Valhalla
- Various/To Be Determined
- Ventura
- Vernon
- Vicksburg
- Victoria
- Victoria and/or Surrounding Counties
- Victorville
- Victoville
- Visalia
- Waco
- Wahpeton
- Walla Walla
- Walnut
- Warner
- Warwick
- Washington
- Waterbury
- Waterloo
- Watertown
- Wausau
- Wayne
- Weatherford
- Weed
- Welch
- Weldon
- Wellesley
- Wellesley Hills
- Wells
- Wenatchee
- Wentworth
- Wesson
- West Memphis
- West Windsor
- West Windsor Township
- Westlake
- Westminster
- Weston
- Weyer Cave
- Weyers Cave
- Wharton
- Wheeling
- White City
- Whiteville
- Whiting
- Whittier
- Wilburton
- Wilkesboro
- Williamsburg
- Williamson
- Williamston
- Williamsville
- Williston
- Wilmington
- Wilson
- Winnebago
- Winnsboro
- Winooski
- Winsted
- Winston-Salem
- Winter Haven
- Winterville
- Wise
- Worcester
- Wye Mills
- Wythe
- Wytheville
- Yakima
- Yonkers
- York
- York County
- Youngwood
- Yuba
- Yucaipa
- Yuma
- Zanesville